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How can I get past Geometry Dash's hardest level, Deadlocked?
ross jenkins : 2024/02/20(Tue) 14:03 No.2581
動くでぃれおさん Hello, fellow racers. I'm here to give you some pointers on how to get past Deadlocked, which is the hardest Geometry Dash level. Deadlocked is a demon level with frantic action, confined spaces, tricky moves, and lethal traps. To finish, a great deal of talent, timing, and patience are needed. I was able to surpass this level by doing the following:

1つ Practice mode: Deadlocked in particular requires this at all levels. To become familiar with the level's layout, commit patterns to memory, and identify the best routes, use practice mode. Make good use of the checkpoints and aim to finish every section without dying. You can also acclimate to the music and level's rhythm by using practice mode.

二 Level editor: The level editor is an additional helpful tool. With it, you can make a copy of Deadlocked and customize it to your desire. You can alter the colors, slow down the pace, remove some obstacles, and add more checkpoints. This can assist you in practicing the challenging or unclear portions of the level. Additionally, you can watch videos of other players finishing the level and take note of their tactics.

三つ Remain calm and focused: The most crucial thing to remember when playing the level is to remain calm and focused. Don't let your frequent deaths get to you down or angry. Breathe and take breaks. Don't panic or hurry. Aim to appreciate the music and the level. Keep in mind that you can succeed and that it's only a game.

Here are a few strategies that I used to defeat Deadlocked. I hope they can assist you as well.

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